
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Take time to do what makes your soul happy

Just finished my oil painting class. In just 8 lessons, I had painted a still painting and landscape painting.

I love the progress of creating. 
The landscape is a photo that I've taken when I was at Nozawa onsen Japan.

I think there's room for improvement. 
Hope to produce more art work in the years to come. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Keep calm and keep cleansing

In the corporate world, people discussed about putting the right resources to the right place in order to yield the highest returns.  Time is money etc...

How many of us actually use this concept into our spiritual life?
Most of the time we spent our resources in the wrong place, meeting the wrong people and dwelling in negative emotions.
Life is not meant to be struggle.
We will understand our life purpose by connecting our energy to our source.

The ego of man makes us feel that the richer is greater , the highly educated is smarter and the more things you have accumulated in life is the most successful man on earth.

Now, let's stop and ponder....

We all reach the same final destination.
No matter how rich, how smart and how successful, they are meaningless when we are at our deathbed.
Did you spent quality time and resources to cultivate your spirit?
Accumulation of physical things is temporary, but our spiritual being is eternal.
Shouldn't we spend more time in cultivating our spirit rather than busy with what we think it is important to our five senses. 

Life is more than the 5 senses.
We will enjoy and love life more with our sixth sense.

So what's next?
Are you starting or planning to look for the right religion? Looking for a Master or Guru?
Many people look outside for answers about their life.
Stop searching, you will get all the answers you want about life by simply connecting your energy to the source.

But how....?

Source energy is pure energy.

Spiritual discipline to cleanse our energy constantly is important.
Once you have the ability to quiet your mind, you will start to feel and sense your inner voice.

Keep calm and keep cleansing... :-)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Being single

There are many advantages being a single. Being single gives us the luxury to focus on our personal growth. Helps us to stay focus on our spiritual growth.
Instead if lamenting wheres our soulmate, Allow that special one to come into our life at the right timing.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The sixth sense

"Science teaches us to use the basic senses to see, taste, feel, smell, hear to experience life. However i feel its essential to learn how to use our sixth sense too. Awakening of our sixth sense will add understanding and meaning to our life. Angeline song
