
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The sixth sense

"Science teaches us to use the basic senses to see, taste, feel, smell, hear to experience life. However i feel its essential to learn how to use our sixth sense too. Awakening of our sixth sense will add understanding and meaning to our life. Angeline song


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Love yourself

I love my life despite experiencing many heartbreaks. They just direct me to love my life even more.

True colours

I love meditation

Friday, August 23, 2013

I am a scientist

Though I'm not a scientist by profession, i have the mind of a scientist.
Im curious about life and most of all curious to know more about myself.
I'm creating and exploring the success formula. A formula that will bring true happiness in life.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Correct our mind

In our journey in life, we can't avoid challenges that seems to break us apart. We can overcome these challenges simply by correcting our mind with right thoughts.



Friday, August 16, 2013

Love actually is ...

Never apologize for what you feel

Applied knowledge

I love to read. Most of the time I do active reading . As I'm reading I'm always creating a conversation with the author.

I don't believe 100% what's written there I can prove its theory is true.